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 Hinweise zum Copyright und ServiceAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • Foundations Remains
Verlag Jahr

  • 59x42 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • The Office gallery is delighted to present the most recent work from the controversial, British artist/taxidermist Polly Morgan titled ‘FOUNDATIONS AND REMAINS’. Since 2005 the London based artist has managed to create a visual language of her own through the use of animals as raw materials of her work and their placement as protagonists in scenes that are unnatural to them.
    Though her peculiar work, she is forcing us to look at the animals used, as if for the first time, free from previous associations, deliberately challenging the fragile relationship between humans and animals.
    The major work of the exhibition titled ‘FOUNDATIONS/REMAINS’ has been made using 2428 cast crow femurs that are each painted by hand. The glue used is identical in colour to the fat present in the joints of bones, so it bears the same colour and consistency of a real animal skeleton. This work is inspired by Charnel Houses (Ossuaries) which were decorative buildings essentially used to pile high skeletons in order to save space. The structure was built using plans from Sol Lewitt's spiral tower “Untitled” 1989.
    Text aus der Presseerklärung
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  • The Artists' Colouring Book of ABCs
Ort Land

  • [60] S., 36,3x26,4 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780957156012
    Broschur, Softcover, Aufkleber auf dem Cover
  • The Artists Colouring Book Of ABCs is the brainchild of Charlotte Colbert, Alix Janta and Lauren Jones. Born of the desire to introduce a new audience to main figures of contemporary art and create a dialogue between artists and a younger generation, it opens up the world of creativity, allowing all to re-visit and reinvent our ABC’s. A fun way for anywone to subvert, re-imagine and enter a conversation with leading artists of our generation, this book is yours to make.
    Text von der Webseite.

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