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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • wordpharmacy - Adjectives - Contens: 238
Ort Land
  • 18x30 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943196054
    Kartonbox 10x11,5x7,5 cm (HxLxB, auseinandergefaltet 18x30 cm, mit Beipackzettel A4 gefaltet auf 4x7 cm
  • Wordpharmacy combines the structure of language with the healing principles of various medicaments. Like pills, language is something to be consumed by the body, and in turn it does not only affect our conceptions of things, but it also comes to designate our very corporal movability in the world. Consequently, words are not only something we consume, they are refractory entities that in turn define and consume us. Wordpharmacy can be seen as a poetical gesture endeavouring to let words work their magic from within the body itself. The Wordpharmacy is written and produced by the danish poet Morten Søndergaard. The Wordpharmacy has be shown in several cities like Paris and London and Berlin and Bangor and Tromsø and Voss. The Wordpharmacy is translated into English by Barbara Haveland and designed by Christian Ramsø and is now available in six languages.
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Ciani Piermario, Hrsg.: When the Saints - il lato spirituale di FUN, 2005


Ciani Piermario, Hrsg.: When the Saints - il lato spirituale di FUN, 2005

  • When the Saints - il lato spirituale di FUN
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 10,8x7,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    weisse Faltschachtel, golden bedruckt, darin ein einfarbig violett gedrucktes 16 seitiges Booklet (drahtgeheftet) und 36 beidseitig farbig bedruckte Karten 10,5x7
  • a colour box set with 36 alternative saints of the FUNtastic Nations by international authors (Giacon, Ruijters, Zattera, Chiarotto, Staffa, King, Echaurren, Biancuzzi, etc.) plus 16 pp booklet.
    F.U.N. (Funtastic United Nations) is an independent and supranational organization that intends to stimulate a cooperation amongst all kinds of imaginary countries and worlds, coordinating meetings, publications, exhibitions and events. We offer our skills and resources to create a bridge between creative and funtastic geographical entities, representing numberless and mutable virtual countries, multiethnical and transgender, where the passports, postage stamps and banknotes are real but not the wars.
    F.U.N.’s vocation to interact in an horizontal “networking” attitude with local and distant, real and imaginary situations, to create unexpected interferences between art and daily life, is a strategy aimed at preserving the biodiversity of cultures and encouraging an eco-friendly, free and open participation to the creative experience. F.U.N. is the logic evolution of over twenty years of networking activities in the fields of mail art, of independent music (The Great Complotto, Le Forbici di Manitù), of collective multimedia projects (Trax), of multiple names (Lieutenant Murnau, Mind Invaders, Luther Blissett), of imaginary worlds and characters (Stickerman-Stickerland) and of counter-cultural documentation (various fanzines, AAA Editions).
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  • a painting in 31 marks
Verlag Jahr
  • [36] S., 17,6x12,6 cm, Auflage: 250, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • With abstract painting, decisions that lead to a completed work can seem arbitrary or, worst of all, inconsequential. With this project, we've attempted to open up the decision making process, shedding light on both our collaborative approach and the individual choices that lead to the completion of a painting. Two people, two colors, one painting. A painting in 31 marks.
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